Welcome to the Bass Hill Repeater Group Web Page
Getting ready for Field Day!! The banner above is Field Day at Bill's camp on Round Pond in Livermore. (W1KX Photo)
Our site is a work in progress! We hope you drop back every once in a while and see what's new!
Please visit our Guest Book.
Some of the menu items above have drop down menu items, but don't miss the information under the main menu item.
Our Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Repeaters:
145.140 DMR (CC11) on York Hill, New Sharon, ME
442.400 (CC11) on Mosher Hill, Farmington, ME,
and we support the FCEMA 145.120 DMR (CC11) on Kibby Mtn.
(Click on the photos below to see a larger image...) (KY1C Photos)
Please visit our Guest Book.
Some of the menu items above have drop down menu items, but don't miss the information under the main menu item.
Our Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Repeaters:
145.140 DMR (CC11) on York Hill, New Sharon, ME
442.400 (CC11) on Mosher Hill, Farmington, ME,
and we support the FCEMA 145.120 DMR (CC11) on Kibby Mtn.
(Click on the photos below to see a larger image...) (KY1C Photos)